Photo Description:  Girlfriend Material book cover drawing taped down in four corners with gold tape. It is surronded by quotes from the book.  

 Girlfriend Material is a great queer representation story. I find it refreshing that the bisexual character was not fighting with her attraction to the lesbian main character. Bisexuality is o

ften viewed as not fitting into a box, being too straight, or being too gay to be in a committed relationship. Rose led me to believe the story would follow Allison as she began dating women while that did occur, I found myself intrigued by Kate's story and discovery of who she wanted to be, and who she wanted to love. All that said, I did take away a star because some of the writing felt more like telling than showing. There was a lot of stuttering instead of descriptive writing. However, I do believe the younger population, who most likely will be the interacting audience will appreciate the story.

More specifically I love Miguel and the introduction of a non-binary character so casually. I think it is books like these that will help the world understand how differences can be acknowledged in a positive manner. I also liked how both women were pretty feminine and not looking for a relationship with each other. The acknowledgment that they both felt an attraction to one another in the beginning but decided that being friends was better was a new and refreshing reading experience.

I hope all those struggling with their past and scared to move into the future can pick this book up and get a glimpse of what their world could be if they allow themselves to be happy.

4.5/ 5


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